Benefits of Spring Air Conditioning Tune Up
Having an air conditioner tune up yearly also increases the system's longevity.
Scheduling an air conditioner tune up is a quick way to save money and increase the longevity of an air conditioner. The best time to consider a routine maintenance check is the spring months before the hot summer weather arrives. This way, there’s plenty of time for necessary repairs or replacement before the air conditioner is most needed. Consider the following reasons why a regular tuneup is beneficial.
Saved cost
Scheduling an AC tuneup in the spring saves money, as a professional HVAC tech checks over the system carefully to ensure the air is flowing properly and the fluid levels are sufficient. They also examine the fan coil and service anything that requires attention. This results in the air conditioner running much more efficiently in the coming summer.
Dirt in an air conditioner's filter, a dirty fan coil, or dirty ductwork interferes with AC efficiency the same way wrapping a blanket would interfere—it causes blockages so the air cannot flow. An air conditioner tuneup ensures that the unit is free and clear of anything that could be blocking the airflow, in addition to making sure all electrical connections are correct and the fluid levels are where they should be. Once this is done, the air conditioner can run more smoothly and efficiently. This results in savings, as the air conditioner does not have to work as hard at moving the air through the vents to cool the home.
Increased longevity
Having an air conditioner tune up yearly also increases the system's longevity. It's never too late to start caring for an air conditioner properly. When the system runs smoothly, its components do not experience the added stress it endures trying to provide the desired temperature. If an air conditioner is not running smoothly, it takes significantly more effort to run air through the system.
Advanced preparation
In addition to the above reasons, scheduling an air conditioner tuneup prepares a home for the future. The HVAC contractor can identify any issues that may become severe problems in the future and advise on parts that need replacement and when total system replacement is necessary. Sometimes, even the thermostat needs replacement. An HVAC contractor has the knowledge and experience to understand where improvements can be made and when a more significant investment is on the horizon. Either way, a yearly tuneup helps homeowners avoid expensive emergency repairs on their air conditioning system, saving money in the long run.
Call Above and Beyond Air Conditioning & Heating at (210)794-9895 for any AC installation, AC maintenance, AC replacement, AC tuneup, and condenser coil cleaning needs in San Antonio, TX. We are a licensed company ensuring top-quality solutions.